New Year’s resolutions have a lifespan of about 30-45 days before they are abandoned. Don't become another failed statistic. Instead, vow to meet your goals before January even ends. Sound impossible, time consuming or torturous? It doesn't have to be if you take the right steps. While saving more money is one of the most popular resolutions, many ignore a crucial first step. You cannot measure progress if you have no idea where the starting line was. Year-end 2020 statements Read on...
Time to Think
When the fog of this pandemic finally starts to lift, in spite of the devastation and loss, there will be many improvements to our daily lives. The procrastination that takes place during busier times has been replaced with a resolve to plow through as many dreaded tasks as possible, to “make the most” of the quarantine. On a small, measurable scale, garages will be cleaned out, closets will be organized, new skills and hobbies will have been explored, to name a few. For those whose Read on...
A Good Lead
I recognized the importance of a good lead on the dance floor at my niece’s wedding. Even though I like to dance, I was grossly out-matched by my brother-in-law, who dances at a level worthy of Dancing with the Stars. When we first stepped on to the floor, I scrambled to keep up with him, unsure of what was coming. But the longer we stayed out there, the easier it became to anticipate what the next move was going to be. A good advisor is like that strong lead that makes the difficult Read on...
Resolve to Beat the Odds
What if I told you that you could immediately accomplish a New Year’s resolution that most people fail at, all before January even comes to a close? You can, and it won’t be that painful or time-consuming; I promise. In “10 Top New Year’s Resolutions for Success and Happiness in 2019”, Peter Economy cites "saving more money" as one of the most popular goals people have. Overall only 8% of people making resolutions succeed, and those seeking to improve their money situation Read on...