A little more than two months before my due date, panic set in. Though I had much experience as an aunt and babysitter, and in spite of my life-long fantasies of motherhood, the moment was quickly approaching where my life would change forever. Change, even joyous change, can be terrifying. In my case, a difficult twin pregnancy kept very dire possibilities hanging in the balance. My husband was eerily calm; if I didn't know better I would have thought he was medicated. I spoke to my Read on...
Shoot the Inner, Sitting Duck
My last post, "Nailing Financial Predators," may have left some feeling like an easy mark. But what if we could take our six natural human responses to persuasion and make them work in our favor? Well, we can. Here are some ideas on how to proactively take charge and shoot that inner, sitting duck: 1. Authority - If we respond to the perception that someone has expertise or power over us, it's best to make sure that that reverence is actually warranted before heeding their advice. Read on...
Nailing Financial Predators
“A prize fighter in a corner is told, hit where it hurts. Silver and gold.” - U2* Every time Tony and I have met with prospective clients who have come from traditional brokerage channels (literally, every single time) there is an uncomfortable point in the meeting where they are ashamed at the fact that they received no financial plan; no real coherent diversification strategy to minimize risks; no exit strategy as to when they can jump off the hamster wheel and enjoy the fruits of their Read on...
Intelligence is no Match for Ignorance
I remember the first time I helped a colleague of Tony’s switch out of a horrible 403(b). Tony had come to me aghast over what he had seen; an annuity with 4% in fees and longstanding surrender fees. We had no idea that this was not the exception to the rule; nor did we realize that this would become our full-time obsession. Here was an educated, savvy woman who had absolutely no idea how badly she was being ripped off. It turns out that there were many more teachers, just like her, who had Read on...