"What's your goal?" My husband's question was simple, but I didn't know if I should bother to share my complete answer, because it seemed unreasonable. We hadn't started our family yet, which was a goal of ours. But I wondered if winning Lotto was the only ticket to my other dream: to be able to stay home with our kids for as long (or short a time) as I wanted. Back then, my earnings were almost five times his salary and I doubted we could sustain ourselves on his take home pay alone, Read on...
Keeping a Cool Head Can Mean Money
You’ve heard it before: Don’t let emotions get in the way of business. Well the adage holds true for investing, as well – probably even more so. It seems easy enough to do, but when you see the value of your savings falling like a botched Martha Stewart soufflé, your first instinct may be to sell, sell sell! But acting out of emotion can often be the worst thing you could do when it comes to investing. Here are some tips to prevent sabotaging your financial well-being. Make sure you have Read on...
Father Knows Best
No Father's Day would be complete without reflecting on lessons learned from my own Dad. "Tony G" - as I affectionately refer to him - had a financial smartness about him that few MBA grads possess. His intuition, wisdom, patience and discipline all made him ideal for investing. And while it was simply a hobby, I think he could have made a living at it. Most important, how he lived his life is ultimately what made him successful as a father, husband and a man. Here are some lessons I Read on...
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
When most of us go to make an important purchase – a refrigerator, furniture, or a car – we shop around. We want to make sure that we don’t get taken advantage of and that we get a good value for our money. So why is it that when it comes to investments, (mutual funds, in particular) many of us have no idea what we’ve invested in and what it costs? Why would we rather haggle with a car salesman on a one-time purchase, than pay attention to our investment costs and our long-term financial Read on...